Lesson 1 of 6
In Progress
Introduction to Water and Hydrogen
- Chemistry is the core of all the sciences and that is why chemistry is almost compulsory subject across the country
- It is thus paramount to develop positive attitude towards this noble subject and definitely you will understand
- Chemistry helps you to relate with things that you interact with in everyday life and that is why chemistry is one of the most simple subject to pass well in your course without struggling
- For instance Hydrogen, which is studied in this topic, is a very important element in life because it is part of millions of important products in life.
- For instance, most of the drugs or virtually all drugs have hydrogen element, Water is an oxide of hydrogen and all living things cannot survive without water, sugar is made up of hydrogen element, oils, petroleum, diesel, etc. are all made up of hydrogen atoms
- Like water is essential commodity for you to survive, chemistry is an essential subject that you will require virtually in all your life. If you want to change world, chemistry is a tool you will require.
- Make use of peer consultation which is Collanet Africa Online School most effective tool of knowledge assimilation and retention
“Chemistry is finding out, and finding out is the game changer in life”
Hydrogen and its Compounds
- Water is the most abundant substance on earth.
- Water covers about 71% of the earth’s surface
- Sources of the water are
- Seas
- Lakes
- Oceans
- Rivers
- Water has a diverse uses and hence its study is important
What products are formed when candle wax is burnt in air
- Set the apparatus as shown in the figure in the next slide
- Light the candle and turn on the pump
- Allow the candle to burn for about 15 minutes
- Observe and record what happens in tube A and B