political science research topics

220+ Political Science Research Topics for College Students in Kenya

The essence of conducting research in political science is to contribute to the advancement of knowledge in the field. Political science research can take many different forms, but all research projects share the goal of furthering our understanding of politics.

There are a number of different approaches that political scientists can take when conducting research. Some scholars focus on conducting empirical research, which involves collecting data and testing hypotheses. Other scholars focus on conducting qualitative research, which involves conducting in-depth interviews or case studies. Still other scholars focus on conducting normative research, which involves developing theories about how the political world should work.

No matter what approach a political scientist takes, the goal is always to contribute to the advancement of knowledge in the field. Political science research can be used to inform policymaking, to help solve practical problems, or simply to satisfy our curiosity about the world around us.

This post lists 220+ political science research topics for your consideration. You can modify them to develop a better research topic for your academic project.

Political Science Research Topics on Conflicts for College Students in Kenya

  1. The role of the UN in preventing and managing conflicts and wars
  2. The impact of economic sanctions on conflicts and wars
  3. The role of the media in conflicts and wars
  4. The impact of climate change on conflicts and wars
  5. The role of religion in conflicts and wars
  6. The impact of social media on conflicts and wars
  7. The role of diasporas in conflicts and wars
  8. Civil War: The causes and effects.
  9. Analyzing the protest movements on social media.
  10. Children soldiers abuse in Asia and Africa.
  11. The impact of technology on conflicts and wars
  12. The role of the military in conflicts and wars
  13. The impact of geography on conflicts and wars
  14. The role of ethnicity in conflicts and wars
  15. The impact of history on conflicts and wars
  16. The role of nationalism in conflicts and wars
  17. The impact of natural resources on conflicts and wars
  18. The role of the state in conflicts and wars
  19. The impact of human rights on conflicts and wars
  20. The role of the international system in conflicts and wars
  21. Analyzing the causes and effects of apartheid in South Africa.
  22. A closer look at the Syrian government oppression.
  23. The impact of NGOs on conflicts and wars
  24. The role of the private sector in conflicts and wars
  25. The impact of development on conflicts and wars
  26. The role of gender in conflicts and wars
  27. The impact of the environment on conflicts and wars
  28. The role of education in conflicts and wars
  29. The main causes of rebellion in Central Africa Republic rebellion.
  30. The resource conflict in South Sudan.
  31. Terrorism as a political instrument.
  32. The impact of migration on conflicts and wars
  33. The role of the family in conflicts and wars
  34. The impact of health on conflicts and wars
  35. The role of youth in conflicts and wars
  36. The impact of crime on conflicts and wars
  37. The role of the media in conflicts and wars

Comparative Politics Research Topics for College Students in Kenya

  1. The impact of different electoral systems on government stability
  2. The effect of economic inequality on political participation
  3. The role of ethnic and religious cleavages in political violence
  4. The impact of globalization on national sovereignty
  5. The relationship between economic development and democratization
  6. The effect of environmental degradation on political stability
  7. The role of the media in shaping public opinion
  8. Presidential vs parliamentary systems: Which is better?
  9. The impact of corruption on public trust in government
  10. The effect of social media on political mobilization
  11. Taking a closer look at the Soviet Union ideology.
  12. The impact of demographic change on political parties and voting behavior
  13. The role of interest groups in influencing government policy
  14. The impact of economic recession on voter turnout
  15. The effect of immigration on public attitudes towards politics
  16. Recruitment processes in the developing countries.
  17. The role of women in politics
  18. The impact of youth unemployment on political participation
  19. The effect of education on political knowledge and engagement
  20. The impact of technology on the way we elect our representatives
  21. The role of the military in politics
  22. The impact of global climate change on national security
  23. The relationship between economic growth and political stability
  24. The effect of income inequality on social cohesion
  25. The impact of population ageing on voting behavior
  26. Sexual harassment: A comparative legal approach.
  27. Analyzing the religious exercise in public schools.
  28. The role of the media in covering elections
  29. The effect of campaign finance regulations on election outcomes
  30. The impact of social media on political campaigns
  31. The role of ethnic and religious minorities in politics
  32. The impact of globalization on the nation-state
  33. The effect of economic recession on government spending
  34. The relationship between taxation and public support for government
  35. The effect of political parties on government policy-making

International Relations Political Science Research Topics for College Students in Kenya

  1. The changing nature of war and its impact on international relations
  2. The impact of technological change on international relations
  3. The rise of China and its impact on international relations
  4. The impact of globalisation on international relations
  5. The role of international organisations in international relations
  6. The structure and roles of the International Monetary Fund.
  7. Amnesty International: Analyzing the associated controversies.
  8. The impact of economic change on international relations
  9. The role of security in international relations
  10. The impact of environmental change on international relations
  11. Religious establishments and public education.
  12. Politics during war and peace time.
  13. Global political dependencies.
  14. The role of culture in international relations
  15. The role of religion in international relations
  16. The impact of population change on international relations
  17. The role of gender in international relations
  18. The role of media in international relations
  19. The impact of migration on international relations
  20. The global poverty crisis.
  21. Analyzing human rights activism in Uganda.
  22. The role of the state in international relations
  23. The impact of non-state actors in international relations
  24. The role of history in international relations
  25. The impact of human rights on international relations
  26. The role of the UN in international relations
  27. A closer look at non-state actors in global politics.
  28. The politics of implementing global treaties.
  29. China-Taiwan-Hong Kong relations: What are the impacts on the global economy?
  30. The impact of international law on international relations
  31. The role of the international financial system in international relations
  32. The role of energy in international relations
  33. Analyzing the global security network.
  34. Globalization and anti-globalization movements in the 21st century.
  35. The impact of climate change on international relations
  36. The role of the military in international relations
  37. The impact of terrorism on international relations
  38. The Feminism approaches to global relations theories.
  39. The impacts of the US exiting the Paris Treaty on Climate Change.
  40. The role of diplomacy in international relations
  41. The impact of trade on international relations
  42. The role of development in international relations
  43. The impact of nationalism on international relations
  44. The role of ethics in international relations

Political Science Research Topics in Public Administration for College Students in Kenya

  1. How do budgetary processes affect public policymaking?
  2. How does the media impact public opinion on political issues?
  3. What is the role of special interest groups in public policymaking?
  4. How do interest groups influence the legislative process?
  5. How does the executive branch impact public policymaking?
  6. The ethics of non-profit organizations.
  7. The Wagalla massacre.
  8. What is the role of the judiciary in public policymaking?
  9. How do federalism and intergovernmental relations impact public policymaking?
  10. What is the impact of political parties on public policymaking?
  11. How do campaign finance and election laws impact public policymaking?
  12. How does public opinion impact public policymaking?
  13. What is the impact of the media on public opinion?
  14. How do special interest groups influence public opinion?
  15. How does the internet impact public opinion?
  16. What is the impact of demographic change on public opinion?
  17. How does economic change impact public opinion?
  18. What is the impact of social change on public opinion?
  19. How does technology impact public opinion?
  20. Gender bias psychology in custody battles.
  21. Public safety statutes: Public interpretations.
  22. What is the impact of terrorism on public opinion?
  23. What is the impact of foreign policy on public opinion?
  24. Innovation in public administration and its effects.
  25. Analyzing the environmental management compromises.
  26. Federal emergence management agency evaluation.
  27. How does public opinion impact the legislative process?
  28. How does public opinion impact the executive branch?
  29. How does public opinion impact the judiciary?
  30. Post-conflict justice inequalities.
  31. Politics and religion: Is politics always rational?
  32. How does public opinion impact federalism and intergovernmental relations?
  33. How does public opinion impact political parties?
  34. How does public opinion impact campaign finance and election laws?
  35. What is the impact of public opinion on public policymaking?
  36. How does the impact of public opinion change over time?
  37. How does the impact of public opinion vary across demographic/geographic/economic groups?

Political Science Research Topics in Negotiation and Mediation for College Students in Kenya

  1. How can the principles of negotiation be applied in mediation?
  2. What are the different styles of negotiation?
  3. How can cultural differences affect negotiation and mediation?
  4. What are the different stages of negotiation?
  5. What are the different types of negotiation?
  6. How can body language be used in negotiation and mediation?
  7. What are the best war time negotiation strategies?
  8. What are the different methods of mediation?
  9. What are the benefits and drawbacks of mediation?
  10. How can mediation be used to resolve conflict?
  11. What are the different types of conflict?
  12. How can the principles of mediation be applied in negotiation?
  13. What are the different styles of mediation?
  14. Hostage situations and negotiations.
  15. Analyzing the top five alternative dispute resolution methods.
  16. How can cultural differences affect mediation?
  17. What are the different stages of mediation?
  18. What are the different types of mediation?
  19. How can body language be used in mediation?
  20. What are the different methods of negotiation?
  21. Celebrity influence on elections.
  22. Corporate globalization and media.
  23. Squatter settlements after Apartheid in South Africa.
  24. What are the benefits and drawbacks of negotiation?
  25. How can negotiation be used to resolve conflict?
  26. What are the different types of conflict?
  27. How can the principles of negotiation be applied in international relations?
  28. What are the different styles of negotiation in international relations?
  29. How can cultural differences affect negotiation in international relations?
  30. What are the different stages of negotiation in international relations?
  31. The debt crisis in developing countries.
  32. Analyzing the evolution of affirmative action initiatives.
  33. What are the different types of negotiation in international relations?
  34. How can body language be used in negotiation in international relations?
  35. What are the different methods of mediation in international relations?
  36. What are the benefits and drawbacks of mediation in international relations?
  37. How can mediation be used to resolve conflict in international relations?

Political Theories Research Topics for College Students in Kenya

  1. The rise of populism
  2. Totalitarian regimes: Similarities and differences.
  3. The impact of social media on politics
  4. The role of the media in politics
  5. The effect of globalisation on politics
  6. The relationship between religion and politics
  7. The role of the economy in politics
  8. The impact of immigration on politics
  9. The role of the military in politics
  10. The role of education in politics
  11. The rise of extremism
  12. The history of politics: How was it created?
  13. Confederalism and unitary systems: How do they work?
  14. Nationalism vs globalization.
  15. The role of women in politics
  16. The role of youth in politics
  17. Constructivism: A closer look at its pros and cons.
  18. The Rational Choice theory.
  19. The role of the judiciary in politics
  20. The impact of technology on politics
  21. The role of interest groups in politics
  22. The role of lobbying in politics
  23. The impact of corruption on politics
  24. The role of the civil service in politics
  25. The impact of the European Union on politics
  26. The role of the media in generating political support
  27. The role of political parties in politics
  28. The impact of pressure groups on politics
  29. Classic theories by Edmund Burke.
  30. Anarchism: Key figures in History.
  31. Aristotle’s theory on Governance.
  32. The impact of single-issue campaigns on politics
  33. The effect of the Internet on politics
  34. The impact of e-voting on politics
  35. A closer look at Jean Bodin’s work on Sovereignty.
  36. Vladimir Lenin: Analyzing his Communist approach.
  37. The role of the media in political campaigns
  38. The impact of advertising on politics
  39. The impact of public opinion polls on politics
  40. The impact of the media on public opinion
  41. The role of the media in democracy

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