sociology research topics

320+ Excellent Sociology Research Topics for College Students in Kenya

The main aim of scientific research on sociology is to find out the underlying causes of social behavior and to provide solutions to the problems that arise out of it. It is important to remember that sociology is a social science and not a natural science. This means that the methods used in conducting scientific research on sociology are different from those used in natural sciences.

The most important thing to remember while conducting scientific research on sociology is to maintain objectivity. This means that the researcher should not allow his/her personal biases and beliefs to influence the research. The researcher should also be aware of the ethical implications of the research and should not violate the rights of the participants.

Sociologists use scientific methods to study social phenomena, including both large-scale social processes and small-scale human interactions. They collect data through surveys, interviews, observations, and statistical analysis.

The research conducted by sociologists can be divided into three broad categories:

  1. Descriptive research: This type of research seeks to describe the current state of affairs, without making any value judgments.
  2. Normative research: This type of research seeks to identify social norms and values, and to evaluate whether they are good or bad.
  3. Critical research: This type of research takes a more critical stance, and seeks to uncover the problems and contradictions within society.

This list contains 320+ sociology research topics you can immediately use for your academic project or modify to come up with something more unique. The other research topics are available here.

Interesting Sociology Research Topics for College Students in Kenya

  1. Gender stereotypes in modern society
  2. An in-depth analysis of the Slow Movement
  3. The influences of the Internet on human eating habits
  4. What is a stock character from a sociological point of view?
  5. Stereotypes that will have negative effects in [YEAR]
  6. Discuss human rights from a sociological standpoint
  7. The history of international marriages
  8. Workplace problems for women in African countries
  9. Effect of recycling on our mental health
  10. Discuss human rights in South Sudan
  11. Social norms in education in Kenya
  12. Addiction to social media
  13. Better caring for our elders in an African setup
  14. Intergenerational marriage
  15. The influence of religion on our society
  16. Drug addicts and their treatment by modern society
  17. The negative effects of social status
  18. The influence of drugs on teenage mental health
  19. Discuss the role of deviant behavior in our society
  20. The sociology of gender in Kenya
  21. Is society just a figment of our imagination?
  22. Major social movements of [YEAR]
  23. Negative effects of online communication
  24. The social media addiction phenomenon
  25. The rise in cyberbullying cases
  26. The influence of education on professional success
  27. The impact of globalization on our society
  28. Discuss anxiety caused by college on students
  29. The role of a college internship
  30. Negative effects of supplements and vitamins
  31. Discuss global warming effects on society
  32. Effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on our society
  33. The science behind standardized testing in school
  34. The negative effects of social media
  35. Discuss the helicopter parenting concept
  36. How religion affects our modern society
  37. Modern-day role models compared to the old ones
  38. The influence of education on professional success
  39. The role of the family in one’s life
  40. Mental health problems caused by Covid 19 pandemic lockdowns
  41. Discuss the institution of marriage in [YEAR]
  42. Is binge buying a mental health condition?
  43. Health care benefits of using social psychology

Argumentative Sociology Essay Topics for College Students in Kenya

  1. What does sociology mean to you as a part of our society?
  2. Racial slurs and their effects
  3. How does the media impact our perception of beauty?
  4. Is our society too materialistic?
  5. How does social media affect our mental health?
  6. Is online dating changing the way we form relationships?
  7. What is the impact of growing up in a single-parent household?
  8. How does social class affect our health and well-being?
  9. How does religion impact our lives?
  10. Is there a link between violent media and aggressive behaviour?
  11. The importance of researching the sociology of food
  12. The negative effects of fast food on our society
  13. Discuss the effects of music on our mental state
  14. Class conflict in emerging economies
  15. The impact of youth cultures on our society
  16. How does our environment impact our health?
  17. Are our schools preparing children for the real world?
  18. Should the government do more to tackle poverty?
  19. Are immigrants taking jobs away from citizens?
  20. Is the welfare state effective in tackling poverty?
  21. Should the government do more to tackle child obesity?
  22. Should the government do more to support mental health?
  23. What is the impact of social media on our relationships?
  24. Discuss the concept of a tightknit community
  25. Mass media and its effect on society
  26. What is the impact of technology on our lives?
  27. Is social media creating a generation of self-obsessed individuals?
  28. Should the government regulate the internet?
  29. How has the internet changed the way we communicate?
  30. What is the impact of social media on democracy?
  31. How has the internet changed the way we do business?
  32. The role of women in Christian societies
  33. How is a social norm created?
  34. The dangers of social exclusion
  35. What is the impact of social media on our mental health?
  36. What is the impact of social media on our relationships?
  37. What is the impact of social media on society?
  38. How has social media impacted the way we consume news?
  39. What is the impact of social media on our self-esteem?
  40. Is social media creating a generation of narcissists?
  41. How does social media impact the way we view ourselves?
  42. How does social media impact our mental health?
  43. Virtual communication during the Covid-19 pandemic

Microsociology Research Topics for College Students in Kenya

  1. How does microsociology help us understand the social world?
  2. How do our micro-level interactions shape the societies we live in?
  3. How do our identities shape our micro-level interactions?
  4. How do micro-level interactions reproduce social inequality?
  5. How do micro-level interactions shape our emotions and experiences?
  6. How do micro-level interactions affect our health and well-being?
  7. How do micro-level interactions shape our economic behaviour?
  8. Talk about face-to-face interaction in microsociology
  9. Perform an interpretive/qualitative analysis
  10. How do micro-level interactions shape our political behaviour?
  11. How do micro-level interactions shape our cultural values and beliefs?
  12. How do micro-level interactions shape our family and intimate relationships?
  13. How do micro-level interactions shape our education and work?
  14. How do micro-level interactions shape our leisure and recreation?
  15. The importance of human relations
  16. The importance of microsociology for humanistic social work
  17. How do micro-level interactions shape our use of technology?
  18. Discuss the importance of sociological studies for family planning
  19. How do micro-level interactions shape our consumption of goods and services?
  20. How do micro-level interactions shape our environmental behaviour?
  21. How do micro-level interactions shape our attitudes and beliefs about crime and deviance?
  22. Research social status and social roles in the India
  23. Discuss the ethnomethodology in detail
  24. How do micro-level interactions shape our attitudes and beliefs about social change?
  25. How do micro-level interactions shape our attitudes and beliefs about social class?
  26. Social structures in Kenya
  27. How do micro-level interactions shape our attitudes and beliefs about race and ethnicity?
  28. How do micro-level interactions shape our attitudes and beliefs about gender?
  29. How do micro-level interactions shape our attitudes and beliefs about sexuality?
  30. An in-depth look at the symbolic interactionism method
  31. Best methods to perform a conversational analysis
  32. How do micro-level interactions shape our attitudes and beliefs about religion?
  33. How do micro-level interactions shape our attitudes and beliefs about age?
  34. Research the age of the people in your area
  35. Conduct an experiment related to ethnic relations in your neighborhood
  36. Explain a specific social behavior using an experiment
  37. How do micro-level interactions shape our attitudes and beliefs about disability?
  38. Conduct a sociological experiment to discover new stereotypes
  39. Research the problems caused by the COVID19 pandemic at the workplace
  40. How do micro-level interactions shape our attitudes and beliefs about nationalism?
  41. How do micro-level interactions shape our attitudes and beliefs about globalisation?
  42. Discuss the most common human relations
  43. Talk about the concept of microculture
  44. The role of empathy in our modern society
  45. How do micro-level interactions shape our attitudes and beliefs about democracy?
  46. An in-depth look at the Theory of Structuration by Anthony Giddens
  47. Discuss state breakdown processes
  48. How do micro-level interactions shape our attitudes and beliefs about human rights?
  49. How do micro-level interactions shape our attitudes and beliefs about terrorism?
  50. An in-depth analysis of single-parent families
  51. Talk about the division of labor in the Kenyan household
  52. How do micro-level interactions shape our attitudes and beliefs about war and conflict?
  53. How does the way we dress affect the way we are treated by others?
  54. How does our body language affect the way we are perceived by others?
  55. How do our personal experiences affect the way we interact with others?
  56. How does our upbringing affect the way we see the world?
  57. Raising normal children in unconventional families
  58. What is marriage enrichment and how does it work?
  59. How does our social class affect the way we interact with others?
  60. How does our race/ethnicity affect the way we are treated by others?

Macrosociology Research Topics for College Students in Kenya

  1. How does the increase in global trade affect the spread of disease?
  2. How does the rise of digital media affect the way we receive news?
  3. How does the increase in life expectancy affect the way we think about retirement?
  4. How does the declining birth rate in developed countries affect the future of the global economy?
  5. How does the increasing number of refugees and migrants affect the social cohesion of host societies?
  6. How does the rise of populism affect the way we think about democracy?
  7. How does the increase in natural disasters affect the way we think about the environment?
  8. How does the increase in income inequality affect the way we think about social mobility?
  9. How does the increase in the number of people living in cities affect the way we think about urbanization?
  10. How does the increase in the number of people living in poverty affect the way we think about development?
  11. How does the increase in the number of refugees and migrants affect the way we think about human rights?
  12. How does the rise of religious extremism affect the way we think about religious tolerance?
  13. How does the increase in the number of people with chronic diseases affect the way we think about health care?
  14. How does the increase in the cost of living affect the way we think about the economy?
  15. How does the increase in the number of people working long hours affect the way we think about work-life balance?
  16. Discuss macrosociology strategies
  17. Discuss comparative sociology
  18. How does the increase in the number of people in temporary or precarious employment affect the way we think about the labour market?
  19. How does the increase in the number of women in the workforce affect the way we think about gender equality?
  20. How does the increase in the number of people in retirement affect the way we think about the ageing population?
  21. How does the increase in the number of people with higher education levels affect the way we think about education?
  22. How does the increase in the use of social media affect the way we think about communication?
  23. What is macrosociology and why is it important?
  24. Discuss the idealist strategy in macrosociology
  25. Talk about historical sociology
  26. How does the increase in the number of people living alone affect the way we think about family structures?
  27. How does the increase in the number of people in poverty affect the way we think about social welfare?
  28. How does the increase in the number of refugees and migrants affect the way we think about international relations?
  29. Compare macrosociology with microsociology
  30. Discuss state formation processes
  31. Discuss the conflict theoretical strategy in macrosociology

Sociology Research Topics on Family for College Students in Kenya

  1. The Impact of Technology on the Modern Family
  2. The Decline of the Traditional Family
  3. The Rise of the Single-Parent Family
  4. The Effect of Divorce on the American Family
  5. The Importance of the extended family in modern society
  6. The changing role of fathers in the American family
  7. The changing role of mothers in the American family
  8. The impact of working mothers on the family
  9. The impact of stay-at-home fathers on the family
  10. The challenges of parenting in the 21st century
  11. The changing face of the American family
  12. The challenges of being a single parent
  13. The challenges of raising a family on a single income
  14. The impact of daycare on the family
  15. The impact of after-school programs on the family
  16. The impact of school choice on the family
  17. The impact of homeschooling on the family
  18. The changing dynamics of the American family
  19. The impact of financial stress on the American family
  20. Different family types
  21. Discuss the term “nuclear families”
  22. Negative effects of lack of children on modern families
  23. The impact of job loss on the American family
  24. The impact of the recession on the American family
  25. The changing role of grandparents in the American family
  26. The challenges of caring for aging parents
  27. The challenges of caring for aging grandparents
  28. The impact of empty nest syndrome on the family
  29. The challenges of being a working parent
  30. The challenges of being a stay-at-home parent
  31. The impact of parenting on marriages
  32. The challenges of parenting adolescents
  33. The role of sociology in parenting
  34. What are reconstituted families?
  35. The peculiarities of childcare in Kenya

Creative Sociology Research Questions on Nationality for College Students in Kenya

  1. How does nationality affect one’s sense of self?
  2. How does nationality affect one’s social interactions?
  3. Does nationality play a role in social stratification?
  4. How does nationality affect one’s sense of community?
  5. How does nationality affect one’s sense of aesthetics?
  6. How does nationality affect one’s sense of belonging to a particular place?
  7. Conduct a sociological study in your city on a topic of your choice
  8. The concept of polyamory and its role in our society
  9. How does nationality affect one’s leisure time activities?
  10. How does nationality affect one’s diet and eating habits?
  11. How does nationality affect one’s housing and living conditions?
  12. The social implications of developing robots
  13. Peculiarities about generation Z
  14. How does nationality affect one’s sense of time and space?
  15. How important are social media networks to teenagers today?
  16. Can we really eliminate drug addicts from our society?
  17. How does nationality affect one’s sense of history and tradition?
  18. The science behind family planning
  19. How does nationality affect one’s attitudes towards work and career?
  20. How does nationality affect one’s attitudes towards marriage and family?
  21. How does nationality affect one’s child-rearing practices?
  22. Benefits of legalizing marijuana
  23. What is the goal of microsociology?
  24. How does nationality affect one’s educational attainment?
  25. How does nationality affect one’s health outcomes?
  26. What effects does poor parenting have on autistic children?
  27. What are the most dangerous racial stereotypes?
  28. How does nationality affect family dynamics?
  29. How does nationality affect one’s religious beliefs and practices?
  30. How does nationality affect one’s exposure to crime and violence?
  31. What are the current problems in our society?
  32. What effects does music have on our mood?
  33. How does nationality affect one’s perceptions of gender roles?
  34. How does nationality affect one’s sexual identity and practices?
  35. What causes child aggression in our society?
  36. How does nationality affect one’s relationship to the natural environment?
  37. How does nationality affect one’s consumption patterns?
  38. What are the effects of the lack of sleep on your social skills?
  39. How does nationality affect one’s access to resources?
  40. How does nationality affect one’s involvement in social movements?
  41. How does nationality affect one’s political participation?
  42. How does nationality affect one’s economic opportunities?
  43. Is there a difference between race and nation?
  44. What causes teen pregnancies in Kenya?
  45. How does nationality affect one’s sense of identity in a globalized world?
  46. How does nationality affect one’s sense of belonging to a particular culture?
  47. How does nationality affect one’s sense of belonging to a particular nation?
  48. What are some gender roles stereotypes?

Persuasive Sociology Research Topics for College Students in Kenya

  1. How has the rise of the internet affected the way we interact with each other?
  2. How does our income level affect the way we interact with others?
  3. How does our education level affect the way we interact with others?
  4. Talk about something related to families and households in your area
  5. Social media and the lack of face to face interaction
  6. How does our occupation affect the way we interact with others?
  7. How does our age affect the way we interact with others?
  8. How does our gender affect the way we interact with others?
  9. How does our sexual orientation affect the way we interact with others?
  10. Should children be allowed to work?
  11. How can we cope with stress?
  12. How does our race/ethnicity affect the way we interact with others?
  13. How does our religious affiliation affect the way we interact with others?
  14. How does our political affiliation affect the way we interact with others?
  15. How does where we live affect the way we interact with others?
  16. Our society is going in the wrong direction. Discuss.
  17. Do we really need to wear a uniform in school?
  18. How does our family structure affect the way we interact with others?
  19. How does our family size affect the way we interact with others?
  20. Keeping in touch with your friends on social media
  21. Interpersonal relation on Twitter
  22. Are social media friends real friends?
  23. How does our family income affect the way we interact with others?
  24. How does our marital status affect the way we interact with others?
  25. How does having children affect the way we interact with others?
  26. How does our relationship with our parents affect the way we interact with others?
  27. Analyze the ways in which nationality affects self esteem
  28. Discuss how nationality relates to identity
  29. Discuss the peculiarities of African women and their role in society

Social Media Sociology Research Topics for College Students in Kenya

  1. How do social media platforms impact the way we interact with each other?
  2. What is the impact of social media on democracy?
  3. The effects of Facebook on autistic children
  4. Anxiety caused by overuse of social media
  5. Social media and the ‘digital self’: How do social media platforms shape our sense of self and our online persona?
  6. Social media and online relationships: How do social media platforms affect the way we form and maintain relationships?
  7. What is the impact of social media on marketing?
  8. What is the impact of social media on education?
  9. Social media and addiction: How can social media addiction be explained from a sociological perspective?
  10. Social media and mental health: How does social media use impact our mental health and well-being?
  11. Social media and identity: How do social media platforms shape our sense of identity?
  12. Social media and loneliness: What is the relationship between social media use and loneliness?
  13. Self-harm caused by overusing social media
  14. The effects of social media on self-esteem
  15. Benefits of using social media in schools
  16. What is the impact of social media on communication?
  17. Social media and empathy: How do social media platforms affect the way we experience empathy?
  18. Social media and communication: How has social media changed the way we communicate?
  19. Social media and community: How do social media platforms impact the way we form and maintain community?
  20. Social media and politics: How has social media changed the way we engage with politics?
  21. The role of social media during the Covid-19 pandemic
  22. How does social media shape our identities?
  23. How do social media platforms impact the way we consume information?
  24. What is the impact of social media on relationships?
  25. Social media and the news: How has social media changed the way we consume and engage with the news?
  26. Social media and marketing: How has social media changed the way businesses market to consumers?
  27. Social media and privacy: How does social media use impact our privacy?
  28. Social media and surveillance: How does social media use impact our experience of surveillance?
  29. How can social media be used to promote social change?
  30. The future of social media
  31. The promotion of inadequacy about your appearance on social media
  32. Social media and democracy: How has social media changed the way we engage with democracy?
  33. Social media and activism: How has social media changed the way we engage in activism?
  34. Social media and education: How has social media changed the way we learn and communicate in educational contexts?
  35. Social media and work: How has social media changed the way we work?
  36. Social media and leisure: How has social media changed the way we spend our leisure time?
  37. How does social media use affect our mental health?
  38. Depression caused by social media
  39. Top reasons to use social media in [YEAR]
  40. Social media and language: How has social media use affected the way we use language?
  41. Social media and culture: How has social media use impacted the way we experience and engage with culture?
  42. Social media and globalisation: How has social media use impacted the way we experience globalisation?
  43. Social media and the economy: How has social media use impacted the economy?

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