economics research topics

250+ Economics Research Topic Ideas for College Students in Kenya

One of the most important aspects of research in economics is to understand the fundamental concepts of the field. These concepts include supply and demand, elasticity, and market efficiency. It is also important to understand how these concepts are applied in different situations. For example, economists must consider how changes in supply and demand will affect prices in different markets.

Economic research can help policymakers understand the effects of their decisions. For example, if the government decides to increase the minimum wage, economists can study the effects of this decision on the economy. This research can help policymakers make informed decisions that will have the least negative impact on the economy.

This article contains 250+ economics research topic ideas you can use to conduct your next project. All the topics are original and free for you to use in your academic project. Do not be afraid to tweak the topics to suit your needs better.

The History of Economics Research Topics for College Students in Kenya

  1. Macroeconomics vs. microeconomics
  2. What were the key causes of the Great Depression in the 1930s?
  3. What were the main contributing factors to the global financial crisis of 2008?
  4. Analyze the short-term growth of the Kenyan economy
  5. Discuss the monetary system of Kenya
  6. How did the economic system of Ancient Greece influence the development of Western Economics?
  7. Discuss 5 main principles of economics
  8. The role of the government in managing the economy
  9. How did the economic theories of Adam Smith and David Ricardo influence the development of modern economics?
  10. Discuss 3 ancient economies
  11. How has the globalisation of the world economy affected economic development?
  12. What are the benefits and drawbacks of free trade?
  13. A short history of capitalism
  14. Talk about Simon Kuznets (economic historian)
  15. What are the problems with using GDP as a measure of economic progress?
  16. The socialist versus capitalist economy
  17. An in-depth look at Marx’s theories
  18. What are the implications of the ageing population for the economy?
  19. What are the challenges facing the world’s energy sector?
  20. The life and works of Moses Abramovitz
  21. What are the most effective ways to reduce poverty and inequality?
  22. What are the benefits and drawbacks of capitalism?
  23. The importance of economics history lessons
  24. The life and works of Correlli Barnett
  25. What are the benefits and drawbacks of socialism?
  26. What are the benefits and drawbacks of communism?
  27. How can economic policy be used to promote sustainable development?
  28. A short history of socialism

Labour Economics Research Topic Ideas for College Students in Kenya

  1. Minimum wage – effects on employment, inflation and poverty
  2. The impact of unions on wages and employment
  3. The effect of immigration on wages and employment
  4. The negative effects of labor unions
  5. The gender wage gap
  6. The impact of technological change on employment and wages
  7. The effect of occupational licensing on wages and employment
  8. The impact of trade on employment and wages
  9. Discuss the introduction of a guaranteed national income
  10. The effect of government spending on employment and wages
  11. The effect of taxation on employment and wages
  12. The effect of public sector unions on employment and wages
  13. The effect of labour market regulation on employment and wages
  14. The impact of labour market flexibility on employment and wages
  15. Discuss child labor in the mining industry
  16. Globalization and cheap labor costs
  17. The impact of unionisation on worker productivity
  18. The impact of job insecurity on worker productivity
  19. Discuss gender inequality in poor countries
  20. The effect of labour market segmentation on employment and wages
  21. The effect of labour-saving technological change on employment and wages
  22. The impact of worker displacement on employment and wages
  23. The impact of unemployment on worker productivity
  24. The impact of labour market mismatch on worker productivity
  25. The impact of human capital on worker productivity
  26. The effects of the minimum wage on the economy of Kenya

Interesting Economics Research Topics for College Students in Kenya

  1. The effect of corruption on economic development in developing countries
  2. The effect of trade restrictions on economic development in developing countries
  3. The effect of microfinance on economic development in developing countries
  4. Big data use in economic forecasting
  5. An in-depth analysis of an emerging economy (Kenyan case study)
  6. Keynesian macroeconomics peculiarities
  7. The effect of microcredit on economic development in developing countries
  8. Income changes and consumer choice changes in Kenya
  9. The effect of mobile money on economic development in developing countries
  10. The effect of ICTs on economic development in developing countries
  11. The effect of climate change on economic development in developing countries
  12. What is positive economics?
  13. Health insurance and its role in the economy
  14. An in-depth analysis of the banking system in Kenya
  15. What is normative economics?
  16. The effect of infrastructure on economic development in developing countries
  17. Discuss the concept of heterodox economics
  18. The effect of natural resources on economic development in developing countries
  19. Financial incentives for banks in Kenya
  20. Marijuana legalization effects on the economy
  21. The effect of human capital on economic development in developing countries
  22. The effect of social capital on economic development in developing countries
  23. Discuss currency inflation trends in Kenya
  24. The effect of foreign aid on economic development in developing countries
  25. What are opportunity costs?
  26. Discuss the pros and cons of economic forecasting
  27. The effect of remittances on economic development in developing countries
  28. An in-depth look at applied economics
  29. Latest innovations in economics
  30. The effect of institutions on economic development in developing countries
  31. The effect of ethnicity on economic development in developing countries
  32. Discuss inflation and economic growth in your country
  33. The role of economic analysis in 2022

Simple Economics Project Ideas and Research Topics for College Students in Kenya

  1. The economic impact of Brexit on the global economy
  2. The economic impact of the refugee crisis on African economies
  3. The economic impact of the refugee crisis on the global economy
  4. The economic impact of climate change on global economies
  5. Discuss the effect of domestic debt on Kenya’s economy
  6. Taxation and its effects in Uganda
  7. Sell raw materials to students who are in manufacturing
  8. The economic impact of automation on global economies
  9. Act as a consumer with limited money
  10. Manufacture hand-made necklaces and sell them
  11. The economic impact of the rise of China and India on global economies
  12. The economic impact of inequality on global economies
  13. Purchase raw materials and negotiate the price
  14. Set up a service company
  15. Manufacture bookmarks and sell them
  16. The economic impact of the digital age on global economies
  17. Best tips to save and invest money
  18. Analyzing the most important macroeconomic event of 2022
  19. Conduct a macroeconomic analysis of Kenya
  20. The economic impact of the global financial crisis on global economies
  21. The economic impact of the Ukrainian crisis on Africa
  22. The economic impact of sanctions on global economies
  23. The effects of Chinese exports on the world economy
  24. Best ways to invest your money
  25. Applying economics principles in your household
  26. Talk about how economics knowledge can help you in life

International Economics Research Ideas for College Students in Kenya

  1. The role of the IMF in the global economy
  2. The future of the Euro
  3. The rise of China and its impact on global trade
  4. Discuss international investment in an African country of your choice
  5. An in-depth look at international finance in the AU
  6. The impact of Brexit on the global economy
  7. The benefits and drawbacks of free trade
  8. The impact of tariffs on global trade
  9. The impact of protectionism on global economic growth
  10. The role of the World Bank in the global economy
  11. The impact of the global financial crisis on the world economy
  12. The impact of the digital economy on global trade
  13. Analyze intellectual property rights
  14. Discuss international trade in 2022
  15. The impact of automation on global employment
  16. The impact of globalisation on developing economies
  17. The impact of climate change on the global economy
  18. The role of international trade in reducing global poverty
  19. The impact of foreign investment on developing economies
  20. Discuss the role of innovation in economic growth
  21. The role of education in international economy
  22. The major themes of international economics today

Engineering Economics Project Ideas for College Students in Kenya

  1. The selection of appropriate economic analysis methods for engineering projects
  2. The role of depreciation in engineering economics
  3. The impact of inflation on engineering economics
  4. The use of life-cycle cost analysis in engineering economics
  5. The effect of inflation on engineering economics
  6. Cost estimations and their positive impact
  7. The evaluation of renewable and non-renewable energy sources in engineering economics
  8. The use of marginal analysis in engineering economics
  9. The assessment of opportunity costs in engineering economics
  10. The evaluation of environmental costs and benefits in engineering economics
  11. The analysis of risk and uncertainty in engineering economics
  12. Depreciation and its negative effects on engineering economics
  13. Cash flow estimation at an engineering firm
  14. The time value of money for engineers
  15. The use of capital budgeting techniques in engineering economics
  16. The evaluation of investments in human capital in engineering economics
  17. The impact of trade and globalization on engineering economics
  18. The use of production and cost functions in engineering economics
  19. The optimization of engineering systems using linear programming
  20. The application of game theory to engineering economics
  21. The role of capital financing

Home Economics Project Ideas for College Students in Kenya

  1. The most effective way to teach cooking and nutrition
  2. The importance of financial education in home economics
  3. The effectiveness of different methods of food preservation.
  4. The use of home economics in reducing food waste.
  5. Improving the finances in your household.
  6. The role of home economics in reducing teenage pregnancies
  7. The benefits of teaching home economics in a digital age
  8. The impact of home economics education on students’ relationships
  9. The benefits of cooking from scratch.
  10. The role of home economics in reducing the cost of living.
  11. The benefits of teaching home economics in an inclusive setting
  12. Best ways to invest Ksh 5000.
  13. Discuss the benefits of compound interest.
  14. Come up with a business plan for a new cottage company.
  15. The role of home economics in promoting healthy eating habits.
  16. The impact of home economics on the environment.
  17. The benefits of teaching home economics in a global society
  18. The impact of home economics education on students’ self-esteem
  19. Tips that save you money in the long run.
  20. Manufacture something and prove that you can make a profit selling it.
  21. The effectiveness of using different methods to teach home economics in secondary schools
  22. The impact of home economics education on students’ academic performance
  23. The benefits of teaching home economics to both boys and girls
  24. The impact of home economics education on students’ career choices
  25. The benefits of using sustainable materials in home economics.
  26. The role of home economics in promoting gender equality.
  27. The impact of home economics education on students’ health and wellbeing
  28. The importance of home economics in promoting social justice
  29. The importance of home economics education in the 21st century

Controversial Economics Research Topics for College Students in Kenya

  1. The efficacy of monetary policy
  2. The role of the central bank
  3. The dangers of deflation
  4. The benefits of inflation
  5. Problems with government spending in Kenya
  6. Fiscal policy versus monetary policy
  7. The gold standard
  8. The role of the IMF
  9. Implementing a guaranteed minimum income policy
  10. The role of the World Bank
  11. The efficacy of protectionism
  12. The efficacy of free trade
  13. The benefits of austerity
  14. The dangers of debt
  15. The benefits of stimulus
  16. The dangers of high levels of debt
  17. The benefits of low levels of debt
  18. The impact of global corporations

Urban Economics Research Topics for College Students in Kenya

  1. The impact of gentrification on urban neighborhoods
  2. The impact of city size on economic growth
  3. The impact of zoning regulations on the economy
  4. The impact of public transportation on urban economies
  5. The impact of housing prices on urban development
  6. The impact of tax policies on urban economies
  7. The impact of entrepreneurship on urban economies
  8. The impact of inequality on urban economies
  9. The impact of immigration on urban economies
  10. What is the role of economics in urban planning?
  11. The impact of education on urban economies
  12. Discuss how county government taxes affect economic growth
  13. The impact of infrastructure investments on urban economies
  14. The impact of crime on urban economies
  15. The impact of the environment on urban economies
  16. The impact of the internet on urban economies
  17. What is agglomeration economy?
  18. The impact of labor regulations on urban economies
  19. Analyze the labour market in Nairobi
  20. The impact of land use regulations on urban economies
  21. What determines the performance of a city? Case study of Kisumu
  22. What are some of the housing and public policy issues in Mombasa?
  23. The impact of welfare policies on urban economies
  24. The impact of the minimum wage on urban economies
  25. The impact of zoning on the cost of housing
  26. The impact of tax incentives on urban development

Macroeconomic Research Topic Ideas for College Students in Kenya

  1. The impact of taxation on economic growth
  2. The impact of government spending on the economy
  3. The impact of debt on the economy
  4. The concept of monetarism
  5. The relationship between the economy and the environment
  6. Analyze aggregate supply in Kenya
  7. The impact of labor market regulation on the economy
  8. Decreasing inflation in Kenya
  9. Macroeconomic problems in African countries
  10. The impact of social welfare programs on the economy
  11. The impact of education on the economy
  12. The link between output and income
  13. The effects of unemployment on the economy
  14. Compare and contrast two economic growth models
  15. Analyze deflation in Kenya
  16. The role of the Federal Reserve in the economy
  17. The impact of globalization on the economy
  18. Compare the Keynessian theory and the general theory
  19. What is new classical macroeconomics?
  20. What is the interest rate effect?
  21. Analyze the IS-LM macroeconomic model
  22. Discuss the endogenous growth theory
  23. The efficacy of quantitative easing
  24. The causes of and solutions to recessions and depressions
  25. Analyze the fluctuations of the real GNP in your country
  26. Perform an economic forecast for the next 5 years
  27. The effects of austerity measures on economic growth
  28. The impact of technology on the economy
  29. Define national output
  30. What is GPD?
  31. Talk about inflation
  32. The impact of immigration on the economy
  33. The impact of trade policy on the economy
  34. The role of financial markets in the economy
  35. Fiscal policy changes that would benefit the government
  36. Legal ways to lower your taxes
  37. Preventing the next housing bubble
  38. The impact of deregulation on the economy
  39. The impact of monetary policy on the economy
  40. The impact of fiscal policy on the economy
  41. The impact of infrastructure spending on the economy

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