ethical research topics

330+ Ethical Research Topics for College Students in Kenya

The need for ethics in research is critical to the integrity of the research process. The basic principles of ethics provide a framework for researchers to make decisions about the acceptability of their research practices. The Belmont Report, one of the earliest statements of research ethics, contains three basic principles that should be considered in any ethical analysis of research: beneficence (doing good), respect for persons (treating people as autonomous agents), and justice (fairness in the distribution of benefits and risks).

Beneficence requires that researchers act in the best interest of the participants in their research. This includes protecting the welfare of participants and minimizing any risks they may experience. Respect for persons requires that researchers treat participants with dignity and respect their autonomy. This includes obtaining informed consent from participants and allowing them to withdraw from the study at any time. Justice requires that the benefits and risks of research be fairly distributed among all participants.

Here are the ethics research ideas you can use to develop your research topic for your next project.

Business Ethics Research Paper Topics for College Students in Kenya

  1. What is the difference between business ethics and corporate social responsibility?
  2. What should a business do when it discovers that one of its employees has engaged in unethical behavior?
  3. How effective is business ethics taught as a curriculum in schools?
  4. What laws should come in to ensure companies are diverse in their hiring practice?
  5. The impact of business ethics on social responsibility
  6. The role of business ethics in sustainable development
  7. The impact of business ethics on global competitiveness
  8. The role of business ethics in reducing poverty
  9. The impact of business ethics on human rights
  10. The role of business ethics in environmental protection
  11. The impact of business ethics on consumer protection
  12. The role of business ethics in product safety
  13. How can a business ensure that its employees are ethical?
  14. What is the best way to respond to an ethical dilemma in the workplace?
  15. How can a company create a code of ethics that its employees will actually follow?
  16. How do businesses contribute to the well-being of society as a whole?
  17. Is hiring people of a particular family or race acceptable in companies?
  18. Ways in which companies can ensure transparency and accountability in its undertakings
  19. What are the impact of the 2008 credit crisis and housing debacle on companies?
  20. The role of business ethics in creating a sustainable society
  21. The impact of business ethics on organizational performance
  22. What is the difference between a mission statement and a vision statement?
  23. What is the difference between a target market and a niche market?
  24. What is the difference between a price ceiling and a price floor?
  25. What is the difference between a monopoly and a cartel?
  26. The role of business ethics in reducing corruption
  27. What are some of the most common ethical issues faced by businesses?
  28. How can a business ensure that it is not engaging in unethical practices?
  29. How can a business make sure that its products and services are ethically produced?
  30. What is the difference between greed and ambition in business?
  31. Is it ever acceptable to break the law in order to make a profit?
  32. How should companies pay their employees? – large and small companies
  33. What should happen to companies that don’t pay their employees or withhold salaries?
  34. Ethics in the law that businesses should put as a top priority
  35. How have companies contribute to environmental pollution?
  36. Is it unethical to manufacture products in countries where labor laws are not enforced?
  37. What is the difference between marketing and advertising?
  38. Is it ethical to use sex in advertising?
  39. Is it ethical to use stereotypes in advertising?
  40. Is it ethical to lie in advertising?
  41. What is the difference between a brand and a logo and how do they contribute to business ethics?
  42. What is the difference between a slogan and a jingle?
  43. What is the difference between perfect competition and monopolistic competition? Which one is ethical? Justify
  44. How can a business make sure that it is not price gouging?
  45. What is the difference between insider trading and stock manipulation?
  46. Is it ethical to engage in price discrimination?
  47. Is it ethical to sell defective products?
  48. Is it ethical to use animal testing?
  49. Is it ethical to use child labor?
  50. Is it ethical to dump toxic waste?
  51. Is it ethical to bribe government officials?

Medical Ethics Research Paper Topics for College Students in Kenya

  1. Is it ethical to experiment on animals?
  2. Is it ethical to use embryonic stem cells in research?
  3. Is it ethical to use fetal tissue in research?
  4. Is it ethical to use human embryos in research?
  5. Is it ethical to use human subjects in research?
  6. What is the difference between research ethics and clinical ethics?
  7. What is the difference between research misconduct and clinical misconduct?
  8. The use of nanotechnology in medical diagnosis
  9. The use of big data in medical diagnosis
  10. The use of 3D printing in medical treatments
  11. The use of gene editing in medical treatments
  12. The use of regenerative medicine in medical treatments
  13. The use of mind-body therapies in medical treatments
  14. What is the difference between a research protocol and a clinical protocol?
  15. Should doctors and nurses carry out abortion?
  16. How do medical ethics collide with cultural and religious ethics?
  17. Birth control in medicine and its effects on the young generation
  18. Should female doctors and nurses handle male patients?
  19. What is the difference between evidence-based medicine and standard of care?
  20. How does the placebo effect work?
  21. Is there a difference between medical research and clinical research?
  22. How do clinical trials work?
  23. The use of cadavers in medical research
  24. The use of human cells in medical research
  25. The use of human organs in medical research
  26. The use of artificial intelligence in medical diagnosis
  27. The use of complementary and alternative medicines in medical treatments
  28. The use of traditional medicines in medical treatments
  29. The use of pharmacogenomics in medical treatments
  30. The use of pharmacogenetics in medical treatments
  31. The use of precision medicine in medical treatments
  32. The use of personalized medicine in medical treatments
  33. The use of medical tourism in medical treatments
  34. The use of medical implants in medical treatments
  35. The use of medical devices in medical treatments
  36. The use of artificial intelligence in medical diagnosis
  37. The use of nanotechnology in medical diagnosis
  38. The use of big data in medical diagnosis
  39. The use of 3D printing in medical treatments
  40. The use of gene editing in medical treatments
  41. How does the Hippocratic Oath affect medical practice?
  42. Is there a difference between the Hippocratic Oath and the Declaration of Geneva?
  43. Are there any problems with doctors having religious beliefs?
  44. What is the difference between a physician and a doctor?
  45. Why organ donation is not a common practice in all countries
  46. Do patients have the right to choose who to treat them?
  47. Why are medical ethics important?
  48. Is it ethical for doctors to end their lives, and why?
  49. Are male doctors and nurses allowed to perform delivery in women?
  50. Why we need to have internationally accepted medical ethics
  51. The use of placebo in medical treatments
  52. The use of stem cells in medical treatments
  53. The use of genetically modified organisms in medical treatments
  54. The use of animals in medical research
  55. The use of human embryos in medical research
  56. The use of foetal tissue in medical research
  57. What is the difference between a nurse and a nurse practitioner?
  58. What is the difference between a doctor and a scientist?
  59. How do we know which medical treatments are effective?
  60. Is it ever ethical to do experiments on humans?
  61. Is it ethical to withhold medical treatments from patients?
  62. What is the difference between a research study and a clinical study?
  63. What is the difference between a research project and a clinical project?

Military Ethics Research Paper Topics for College Students in Kenya

  1. What is the difference between a legitimate and an illegitimate act of war?
  2. Is it morally permissible to target enemy soldiers who are retreating or surrendering?
  3. Ethical issues facing the army leadership
  4. Why are many army soldiers being forced out because of misconduct?
  5. The history of army ethics and how it is evolving with the current trends
  6. What is the difference between a just war and an unjust war?
  7. Is it ever morally permissible to kill civilians in a war?
  8. What is the difference between a soldier and a mercenary?
  9. Is it morally permissible to wage a preemptive war?
  10. Is it morally permissible to use torture in order to extract information from the enemy?
  11. What is the difference between a soldier and a civilian?
  12. Is it morally permissible to wage a war of aggression?
  13. When does a war become a humanitarian intervention?
  14. What is the difference between a just cause and a just war?
  15. Is it morally permissible to kill enemy soldiers who are sleeping or wounded?
  16. What is the difference between a just war and a just cause?
  17. What is the difference between a soldier and a civilian?
  18. Is it morally permissible to kill innocent civilians in order to achieve a military objective?
  19. How much force should be used on civilians by the army?
  20. Is it ethical for soldiers to carry around arms in front of children?
  21. Is the process of joining the military carried out as required?
  22. Discuss how the total force initiative is inhibiting military ethics
  23. Elaborate on the role of computer ethics in a warfare
  24. What is the difference between a just war and an unjust peace?
  25. Is it morally permissible to target enemy civilians in a war?
  26. What is the difference between a soldier and a terrorist?
  27. What is the difference between a just war and a just cause?
  28. Is it morally permissible to use weapons of mass destruction in a war?
  29. What is the difference between a soldier and a hostage?
  30. Is it morally permissible to use a weapon that is likely to cause unnecessary suffering?
  31. What is the difference between a just war and an unjust peace?
  32. Is it morally permissible to target enemy soldiers who are retreating or surrendering?
  33. What is the difference between a just war and an unjust war?
  34. Is it morally permissible to wage a war of aggression?
  35. What is the difference between a soldier and a civilian?
  36. Ethics of war: is war justified under any circumstance?
  37. Army ethics: The difficulties of army ethics
  38. What is the difference between a just war and an unjust war?
  39. Is it morally permissible to wage a war of conquest?
  40. What is the difference between a just war and an unjust war?

Computer Ethics Research Topics for College Students in Kenya

  1. Computer use in the workplace: What are the ethical implications of employees using their computers for personal reasons during work hours?
  2. Computer use in schools: What are the ethical implications of using computers in the classroom?
  3. Computer security: How can computer users protect their information from being stolen or hacked?
  4. Online privacy: What are the ethical implications of sharing personal information online?
  5. Computer Ethics and the Right to free speech
  6. Computer Ethics and the Right to freedom of assembly
  7. Computer Ethics and the Right to freedom of religion
  8. Social networking: What are the ethical implications of using social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter?
  9. Cyberbullying: What are the ethical implications of bullying someone online?
  10. Digital piracy: What are the ethical implications of downloading copyrighted material without permission?
  11. Internet addiction: What are the ethical implications of becoming addicted to the internet?
  12. Online gaming: What are the ethical implications of playing online games?
  13. Computer hacking: What are the ethical implications of hacking into someone else’s computer?
  14. Computer Ethics and the Right to due process
  15. Computer Ethics and the Right to a fair trial
  16. Computer Ethics and the Right to life
  17. E-waste: What are the ethical implications of discarding electronic devices?
  18. Online dating: What are the ethical implications of meeting someone online?
  19. Google in the workplace: What are the ethical implications of using Google in the workplace?
  20. LinkedIn in the workplace: What are the ethical implications of using LinkedIn in the workplace?
  21. Computer Ethics and the Right to free speech
  22. Computer Ethics and the Right to freedom of assembly
  23. Computer Ethics and the Right to freedom of religion
  24. Computer Ethics and the Right to life
  25. Spamming: What are the ethical implications of sending unsolicited emails?
  26. Web tracking: What are the ethical implications of being tracked online?
  27. Cyberstalking: What are the ethical implications of stalking someone online?
  28. File-sharing: What are the ethical implications of downloading files without permission?
  29. Computer Ethics and the Right to anonymity
  30. Computer Ethics and the Right to liberty
  31. Online scams: What are the ethical implications of being scammed online?
  32. Identity theft: What are the ethical implications of stealing someone’s identity?
  33. Phishing: What are the ethical implications of phishing attacks?
  34. Malware: What are the ethical implications of installing malicious software on someone’s computer?
  35. Data breaches: What are the ethical implications of data breaches?
  36. Are professional organizations contributing to the enforcement of computer ethics?
  37. Computer ethics in a global world
  38. How global laws are affecting issues like freedom of speech and invasion of privacy
  39. Is hacking ethical in the cyber world?
  40. Computer Ethics and the Right to Privacy
  41. Computer Ethics and the Right to Freedom of Speech
  42. Computer Ethics and the Right to Freedom of Assembly
  43. Computer Ethics and the Right to Life
  44. Computer Ethics and the Right to Liberty
  45. Computer Ethics and the Right to Property
  46. Cloud computing: What are the ethical implications of using cloud computing services?
  47. Online learning: What are the ethical implications of taking online courses?
  48. Social media in the workplace: What are the ethical implications of using social media in the workplace?
  49. Cyberbullying in the workplace: What are the ethical implications of cyberbullying in the workplace?
  50. Pornography in the workplace: What are the ethical implications of using pornography in the workplace?
  51. Facebook in the workplace: What are the ethical implications of using Facebook in the workplace?
  52. Twitter in the workplace: What are the ethical implications of using Twitter in the workplace?
  53. Computer Ethics and the Right to liberty
  54. Computer Ethics and the Right to property
  55. Computer Ethics and the Right to equal protection
  56. How to assure that data and computer programs remain unchanged without proper authority.
  57. Ensuring data consistency and behavior
  58. Computer Ethics and the Right to a Fair Trial
  59. Computer Ethics and the Right to Privacy
  60. Computer Ethics and the Right to Freedom of Information
  61. Computer Ethics and the Right to be Forgotten
  62. How has privacy evolved with new technological advances?
  63. Are our large databases safe for personal information?
  64. Re-examining the intellectual property rights concerned with software ownership
  65. How computer professionals engage in their diverse customer relationships
  66. Computer Ethics and the Right to Equal Protection
  67. Computer Ethics and the Right to Due Process
  68. Computer Ethics and the Right to property
  69. Computer Ethics and the Right to equal protection

Nursing Ethics Research Paper Topics for College Students in Kenya

  1. What is the nurse’s role in patient assessment?
  2. What is the nurse’s role in patient education?
  3. What is the nurse’s role in providing emotional support to patients and families?
  4. What is the nurse’s role in providing culturally competent care?
  5. What is the nurse’s role in providing spiritual care?
  6. What is the nurse’s role in providing discharge planning?
  7. Elaborate on how individual beliefs affect nursing ethics
  8. Is it ethical for nurse’s to refuse to perform certain tasks?
  9. Is it ethical for nurse’s to refuse to work overtime?
  10. Is it ethical for nurse’s to refuse to work on weekends?
  11. Is it ethical for nurse’s to refuse to work night shifts?
  12. Ways of establishing and sustaining a caring, genuine nurse-patient relationship
  13. Nursing ethics within the 21st century
  14. Dissect how nurses can respond to cultural sensitivity diversity ethically
  15. What is the nurse’s role in ethical decision making?
  16. What are the principles of medical ethics?
  17. What is the nurse’s role in end-of-life care?
  18. What is the nurse’s role in palliative care?
  19. What is the nurse’s role in informed consent?
  20. What is the nurse’s role in delegation?
  21. What is the nurse’s role in medication administration?
  22. What is the nurse’s role in quality improvement?
  23. What is the nurse’s role in risk management?
  24. What is the nurse’s role in infection control?
  25. What is the nurse’s role in health promotion?
  26. What is the nurse’s role in health education?
  27. What is the nurse’s role in health research?
  28. Identifying the potential ethical dilemma in nursing
  29. Ways of ethically dealing with mental disorders in hospitals
  30. Discuss how background, beliefs, and worldviews prevent nurses from maintaining objectivity
  31. Ethics and morality: A nursing situation
  32. What is the nurse’s role in health policy?
  33. What is the nurse’s role in health care reform?
  34. What is the nurse’s role in the nursing profession?
  35. What is the nurse’s role in the global community?
  36. Alcohol consumption and nurses
  37. How nursing contributes to human dignity
  38. What is the nurse’s role in the health care industry?
  39. What is the nurse’s role in the academic community?
  40. What is the nurse’s role in the health care workforce?
  41. What is the nurse’s role in the health care system?
  42. What is the nurse’s role in the delivery of health care?
  43. What is the nurse’s role in the provision of health care?
  44. What is the nurse’s role in the provision of nursing care?
  45. What is the nurse’s role in end-of-life care?
  46. Do nurse’s have a duty to report ethical breaches by doctors?
  47. What is the nurse’s role in caring for patients with dementia?
  48. What is the nurse’s role in caring for patients with mental health issues?
  49. What is the nurse’s role in caring for patients with chronic diseases?
  50. What is the nurse’s role in caring for patients with cancer?
  51. What is the nurse’s role in caring for patients who are terminally ill?
  52. What is the nurse’s role in caring for patients who are in palliative care?
  53. What is the nurse’s role in caring for patients who are dying?
  54. Is it ethical for nurse’s to refuse to work with certain doctors?
  55. Is it ethical for nurse’s to refuse to care for certain patients?
  56. Is it ethical for nurse’s to share patient information with other health professionals?
  57. Is it ethical for nurse’s to share patient information with family members?
  58. Is it ethical for nurse’s to discuss a patient’s condition with the media?
  59. Is it ethical for nurse’s to sell patient information?
  60. What is the nurse’s role in providing medical care to refugees?
  61. What is the nurse’s role in providing medical care to immigrants?
  62. What is the nurse’s role in providing medical care to prisoners?
  63. What is the nurse’s role in providing medical care to the homeless?
  64. What is the nurse’s role in providing medical care to the elderly?
  65. What is the nurse’s role in providing medical care to children?
  66. What is the nurse’s role in providing medical care to pregnant women?
  67. What is the nurse’s role in providing medical care to people with disabilities?
  68. What is the nurse’s role in providing medical care to people with chronic illnesses?
  69. What is the nurse’s role in providing medical care to people with mental health issues?
  70. What should the nurse do when they encounter a ethical dilemma?

Engineering Ethics Research Paper Topics for College Students in Kenya

  1.  Discuss the significant principles of engineering ethics and their significance
  2. How are engineering ethics similar to other professions?
  3. The concept of responsibility in engineering ethics
  4. Engineering ethics and professional responsibility
  5. Engineering ethics and the engineer’s obligation to society
  6. The future of engineering ethics
  7. What was the impact of the Space Shuttle Columbia explosion of 2003
  8. Engineering ethics and product safety
  9. Engineering ethics and product liability
  10. Engineering ethics and intellectual property
  11. Explain the various scientific and industrial changes emerging in the 21st century
  12. Conflict of interest in engineering
  13. Engineering ethics and the global economy
  14. Engineering ethics and sustainable development
  15. Engineering ethics and climate change
  16. Engineering ethics and technology
  17. Discuss the role of critical thinkers and scientists in engineering ethics
  18. Challenges for the future in engineering ethics
  19. Engineering ethics and public opinion
  20. Engineering ethics and patent law
  21. Engineering ethics and design
  22. Ethical Considerations of Classical Breeding and Genetic Engineering
  23. Engineering ethics and disaster relief
  24. Engineering ethics and war
  25. Assessment of the objectives in engineering education and their consequences
  26. The engineer’s obligation to public safety
  27. The engineer’s obligation to the environment
  28. Engineering ethics and maintenance
  29. Engineering ethics and the environment
  30. Engineering ethics and public health
  31. The engineer’s obligation to clients and employers
  32. The engineer’s obligation to the engineering profession
  33. Professional ethics in engineering education
  34. Codes of ethics in engineering practice
  35. Engineering ethics and construction
  36. Engineering ethics and transportation
  37. Engineering ethics and energy
  38. Is the content and pedagogy of engineering ethics sufficient to meet the evolving global environment?
  39. Engineering ethics and information technology
  40. Engineering ethics and communication

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